Many years ago (half a lifetime away?) I spent a month in Nepal, exploring both the Kathmandu and Langtang regions, hiking the latter up to Kyanjin Gompa and a failed attempt to reach the Gosaikunda lakes. It was glorious.
On that trip I took with me in excess of 50 rolls of 35mm slide film, my trusty Nikon FM2n and Nikon F801. We carried our own packs, had a guide and ended up having an adventure.
For the most part of the last twenty-something years those slides have lived in folders and slide boxes, and this week I finally took steps to digitise them. At least I attempted to.
My set up is simple; a large Huion light tablet, a Benbo tripod, my Fujifilm X-H1 and a Canon FD 50mm 3.5 Macro lens with extension tubes and adaptor.
The images turned out… okay. These were just test shots, with some being sharp and others being mushy as hell. I need to work out what the weak points are in my process, both in the taking of the scans and the subsequent processing. Anyway, efforts below. Hopefully they will appear again, but at a much higher quality, once I resolve my process.